Commercial Painting
In case you are doing research looking for a contractor in your area,
you will find that most of the contractors advertise that they do both
residential and commercial painting. You must have questions about the
distinction between these two types of projects. The painting industry differentiates
between commercial and residential painting for several numbers of reasons as
discussed below.
Number of workers
Larger spaces need a large number of workers in order to finish the task on time. A
commercial painting company takes painting projects for apartment buildings,
restaurants, as well as commercial spaces. This is because commercial painting
companies have a large number of painters and are able to finish the work on scheduled time with efficiency.
A residential painting company has a small number of
painters because it will not take large space projects. There is no need to
send a large team of painters when a homeowner needs to paint a few numbers of
rooms. Residential painting projects are small, and
they usually take less time to complete as compared to commercial painting.
Amount of paint
Large space will
consume a lot of paint. This is the
reason behind why painting contractors use a variety of equipment for
commercial paint projects. Also, this means that
more painting will make the project take more time. Larger spaces will
you more to paint due to a big number of labor
and paint itself. But keep in mind that
both residential and commercial painting has to offer fair estimates depending
on the surface area as well as the unique challenges that are presented by the
Normally a commercial
painter has more experience as compared to a residential painter. Anyone with
the basic knowledge can paint his/her
bedroom. However, when it comes to painting an entire warehouse, it needs a
skilled commercial painting contractor to do that. This requires experience and
endurance to paint the entire house with
a team of people. I advise you if you are a business owner to look for
companies which have a lot of experience in commercial painting.
Residential painters have a lot of experience in
communicating with homeowners as they have enough knowledge in different ways
of protecting your furniture and other precious items during painting. They
have a lot of experience that makes them qualified to work in your house.
Schedule availability
Commercial painters have experience in working on the
schedule. They can work at night and on weekends to meet the deadlines.
Businesses appreciate if the painting tasks do not interfere with their
operation schedule. Residential painters normally
work on regular business hours which are Monday to Friday.
Range of services
A company that specializes in residential interior painting
will not offer you with the same range of
services which commercial painting contractors offer.
A lot of commercial paints offer epoxy flooring installation, faux finishing,
sandblasting, and electrostatic painting services as an extra to interior
In case you are remodeling your business office, it makes
sense if you do all the remodeling is at once. This is the reason why many
business owners take advantage of using more than a single service.
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