Sewer Systems Wonders Of Modern Infrastructure.

Sewer systems wonders of modern infrastructure. Back in the olden days, cities had open sewers where waste flowed through open canals on city streets. Today, we're much more civilized: we transport our waste underground in large pipes.

Sewer systems are essential to modern plumbing. Every time you flush a toilet, use a sink, or take a shower, you create liquid waste of varying chemical makeups that has to be transported and treated. You could just flush it into a septic tank, but these tanks require maintenance and come with a host of other issues when integrated en masse for modern cities. We have to manage our waste because it stinks, it contains deadly bacteria, and it has dangerous chemicals that could affect the environment.

You probably know that wastewater gets treated at a wastewater treatment plant, but let's take a look at how it gets there: sewer systems.

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